2 years ago
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Is there any way to bring up my gpa my senior year? And to do better my senior year?

I did really good my first 2 years however my junior not so much, i kinda slacked off. My gpa is a 3.4 unweighted

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@anikashri2 years ago

I'd say really focus on showing an upward trend. And also explain any factors out of your control that may have impacted your Junior year. You seem very motivated so I'm sure it was more than just being lazy.

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Hey! It's gonna be difficult to bring up your GPA a lot since applications are typically sent before the end of senior year. However, I would recommend signing up for more classes that are easier if you are only simply looking for a better GPA overall. If you are looking at more competitive colleges, they will judge based on the classes that you take as well so just be aware that they would take that into consideration as well. Otherwise, just make sure that you are super focused this year on your study and doing well. Only one year left in high school make it a great one! Good luck!

2 years ago[edited]

Hey! If boosting your GPA is your main focus, then I would take some lighter classes you know you'll do good in so you can bring it up as much as you can. However, like stated in other responses, some colleges look more at your coursework. If you're worried about this then take some honors/AP/DE/IB classes to give yourself a GPA boost (make sure you still work hard to get a good grade though!).

Other than that, I think it's really important to not worry about solely your GPA for college apps. While it's good to bring it up, yours is not super low for an unweighted! For college apps I would definitely focus on being well rounded, including having some kind of job/internship if you can, but also volunteering and being a part of two or three school clubs to show your interest in the community and any major-specific activities. Keep working hard and good luck!

2 years ago

Hey! So bringing up your GPA could be very difficult, but ways to improve include taking more honors and APs and striving for A's to boost your weighted GPA. However, other ways to make your application more attractive is to brush up on your ECs, get a job, get more volunteering hours, etc. Good luck!

2 years ago

My advice is to make ore A's your senior year and stop slacking off. Junior year of high school I heard is the most important year that colleges do look at, so I am sorry if there was some issues!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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