2 years ago
School List Suggestions

Happiest Schools?

I want to know, preferably from current college students, what schools have the happiest student body. I know this question is subjective, but to you specifically, which schools give off a good vibe and the majority of the students there are happy?

After touring some schools where the students look depressed, unhappy, or aren't even wearing their school's merch (and repping that of other schools) it doesn't make me feel excited to attend any of these insitiutions. Some people might correlate a party school or a high ranking to being happy, but I don't think that can be true, either. What schools seem to have the most happy, kind, friendly students? Like the kids are friendly to everyone and are happy to be there. Whether its because academics aren't that hard, the weather, or the people. I'm curious.


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

This was my unscientific way to figure out if a college was 'happy'. I would go to YouTube and put in the search bar 'why should I go to (this school)' and see what would come up. Most of the time I would get videos of students giving pros and cons or there would be videos of students doing 'a day in the life' and I could assess if this was a place I wanted to be. Another way for me was level of school spirit. I want to go to a school where there is good support for the sports teams and the stadiums are full. Lots of school pride. One last thing: go to Niche, look up the school, and right before the reviews it shows the results of a poll where they ask what the students are like. If it says things like friendly, and outgoing, you're good! I know happiness is different for everyone and these are the things that matter to me but I hope this can give you a direction.

2 years ago

I recently visited Cal Poly (California Polytechnic State University), everyone was very friendly and welcoming. They seem to have a lot of school spirit from the people I have met. My guess is the academics are not too rigorous, the weather is nice, and they have a whole town nearby that's pretty much their's.

2 years ago

Based on your criteria, I think Texas A&M would be a good fit for you, unless you're not from Texas and cannot afford out-of-state tuition. It has a vibrant atmosphere with extremely friendly and helpful people. My high school graduating class was less than 50 students(yes, you read it right, although unusual) and I wasn't very excited about going to a place with more than 70000 students, but after starting, I realized it's an awesome place!

If you enjoy playing/watching football, Aggie football craze is an additional perk. You'll find A LOT of people with the school's merch.

I've also toured Rice, but I didn't feel the same way about it.

Hope this helps!

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