2 years ago
School List Suggestions

College Acceptances: Which Ivies will accept me? (Not a Chance Me)

Hello. I am a Junior that will take 11 AP classes in total by the end of senior year, which isn't a lot but is a good amount. I am a straight A student; however, my GPA is extremely low as a result of my school's grading system and miscommunication during COVID-19 pandemic, which makes an A (93-96) 3.8. As a result, my GPA is 3.9 and will probably drop to 3.85 at the end of Junior Year.

Based on my target school statements, "With a GPA of 3.9, they require you to be at the top of your class. You'll need nearly straight A's in all your classes to compete with other applicants. You should also have taken plenty of AP or IB classes to show your ability to excel in academic challenges and potential for rigorous courses". I think 11 APs, 6 college-level courses, and every Regents class with honors are acceptable. What are your opinions?

Will good colleges consider the grading scale difference? Do they and other colleges recalculate this GPA to their standards? Let me know. Thank you!

Additionally, I am also working on my Eagle Scout project right to help my church and also interned for Joshua Lafazan, who was running for Congress in NY 3rd Congressional District. I received a Citation from Joshua A. Lafazan, Nassau County Legislator for “Outstanding Internship Performance”. I am also going to be the captain of the Varsity swimming, cross county, and probably track team next year in 2024. I also have joined JROTC, and USNSCC and am a volunteer firefighter (Junior firefighter). I am a member of 6 clubs with leadership positions in 3 of them. I have done over 400 hours of community service and also work as a lifeguard at two different pools. Please give me any other recommendations n what to do and how competitive I am for the following schools. Thanks!

West Point
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2 years ago

Don't take my comment as gospel - I'm a high school student too - but I've heard that most colleges will recalculate your GPA themselves since every high school does it differently. Even if they don't officially recalculate, they'll be able to read your transcript and see that you actually are an all-A student. I wouldn't worry too much about how that will affect your chances. And a 3.85 is still a strong GPA, strong enough for colleges to at least continue looking down your profile.

As for your chances more generally, 11 AP classes + other advanced ones should be plenty to get you in the door! At my school, no one can graduate with that many AP credits, and people still get into top schools. Your extracurriculars also sound very strong -- you sound like a good candidate for any of these schools.


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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