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2 years ago
School List Suggestions

Best Colleges for Forensic Psychology

Hi! I want to become a forensic psychologist (specifically an investigative journalist or crime analyst), and I was wondering what colleges would be best to look at for this. Thank you!

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2 years ago

There are many excellent colleges and universities with strong programs in forensic psychology. Some of the top schools to consider for forensic psychology programs include:

John Jay College of Criminal Justice - This college offers a Bachelor of Arts in Forensic Psychology as well as a Master of Arts in Forensic Psychology.

University of California, Irvine - UCI offers a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Social Behavior with a concentration in Forensic Psychology, as well as a Master of Legal and Forensic Psychology program.

University of Denver - The University of Denver has a highly respected Graduate School of Professional Psychology with a concentration in Forensic Psychology.

Florida State University - Florida State University offers a Bachelor of Science in Psychology with a concentration in Forensic Psychology, as well as a Master of Science in Clinical Psychology with a Forensic Psychology specialization.

Marymount University - This university has a Forensic and Legal Psychology program that offers a Bachelor of Arts degree as well as a Master of Arts degree.

University of North Carolina at Charlotte - UNC Charlotte has a Department of Psychological Science that offers a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with a concentration in Forensic Psychology.


2 years ago

Hi @EmilyJones,

These some of the best colleges for Forensic Psychology:

- Washington University in St Louis

-CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice

-California State University-Fresno

-George Washington University

-The Chicago School of Professional Psychology at Los Angeles

-Montclair State University

-University of Denver

-SUNY College at Oswego

-Maryville University of Saint Louis

-Corban University

Hope this helps :)


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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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