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2 years ago
School List Suggestions

Directing Degree?

So, I want to open a community theater and I want to get a degree for that. The problem is, I don't know which degree I should aim for. Theatre, Film, Directing, General Theatre, Theatre Education, Acting? I have no idea. Any recommendations for what Major I should pick? Or what schools I should look into? (Preferably in the Midwest or Northeast)

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2 years ago

Opening a community theater is essentially an act of entrepreneurship - and unlike corporate jobs, you can be successful in this endeavor with any degree or no degree at all. A degree would still be valuable for you though, since it will help you gain experience in theaters and will teach you skills that will make the process easier. A broad degree that covers a lot of different areas would be most helpful, so General Theater would be a great pick for a major. Minoring could also be beneficial so you could widen your knowledge even more.

Most importantly, you should try to gain as much experience as you can in different theaters. Try all sorts of roles, learn from different people, and go on an adventure of discovery. Besides theater operations, the next most important topic to learn about in your studies and theater roles is financing. Community theaters can be funded through ticket sales, private investment, government grants, donations, and university affiliation. Volunteer hours are often key for making them sustainable as well. Learning about how you could gain financing from these channels is crucial no matter what you major in.

Hope this helps!


2 years ago

In your case, you need some skills, and the best solution to gain skills is only possible by achieving the GAQM certification, because it is in demand. So, I also help out you by recommending a certification preparation platform like CertsHero where you can get the GAQM CDCP-001 exam questions related to the certification.

27 days ago[edited]

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