a year ago
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Admission Without GPA

I am a fresher in high school wanting to enter universities through SAT. I want to know which universities take only SAT Scores and not GPA

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a year ago

You're a freshman so I wouldn't set yourself on not trying to maintain a decent GPA or thinking you won't be able to right now. I'd get it if you realized in another 1-2 years that you'll always have an awful GPA after exhausting all resources/options available to you. Freshman year can be rough so don't give up. It's a bad idea and it will significantly limit your options. There are probably some colleges that don't require GPA, but it will put you at a great disadvantage because you'll be competing for admission against a vast majority of people who do submit a GPA, even if their grades aren't amazing. I don't know any colleges that outright don't take GPA in the US. Some universities abroad probably consider entrance exams far more than GPA, or only exams, but this is a far worse system. Don't bank the next big step in your life on one score. Since US colleges consider so many factors, from GPA to SAT to extracurriculars to essays to letters of rec and more, everyone has a chance to show their strengths and messing up one doesn't screw you over. That's how athletes get recruited - many have average or below-average academics but are superstars on the field, so they go to college to become the next generation of professional athletes.


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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