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2 years ago
School List Suggestions

Hey Guys, I need help finding a college fit for me

Hey guys, I am a high school student[8th grader] I know it is too early for me to think about college But after watching 'Never Have I Ever' It is my DREAM to go to Ivy-League College. I am good at arts[at least that is what I think]. So I thought if you guys had any suggestions as to which college I should go to, kindly do reply.

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2 years ago[edited]

Ivy leagues are great, but being an Ivy League doesn’t automatically make one college better at something than another. It depends on the program. Some Ivy League colleges are ranked several spots below non-Ivy’s. Wanting to go to a good college is great, but I’d expand that thinking a little. Also, if you plan on getting an art degree I would strongly reccomend against going in debt for your degree. There is nothing wrong with majoring in the arts; when I was your age I wanted to major in music! But if you won’t make enough money in the future to pay back your student loan debt…the top college isn’t worth all that stress. Anyway, the top 10 art colleges (leaving out art-only colleges) are as follows so check them out (according to niche):


Stanford (not an ivy)


Rhrode island school of design (I believe you can cross-register with Yale)

Rice (non ivy)



Michigan Ann-Arbor (public!)


University of Southern California (non-ivy)

I can’t tell if this list is best schools at art or best schools overall that are also good at art.


2 years ago

As someone who is also artsy and loves NHIE (not super relevant, but the show was amazing) I definitely recommend further research into all of them, taking into account cost, location, arts programs, and community. Yale, Harvard, and Brown are my top Ivy schools, but don't forget to look at others, schools like NYU and UChicago which also have amazing art programs. BTW, I don't think it's ever to early to think about college, just make sure to spend time on what you love too.


2 years ago

You are still young and it is important to not focus on the name of a school, these schools may not be a good fit for you and you should not choose a college based off a television show. Some ivy leagues do have good art programs but there are also specific art college that probably are better for art students in more cases than not. And also you may change your mind with what you want to do, you're in 8th grade still lots of time to decide what you want to go to college for and where. Focus on doing well in school and extracurriculars, continue with arts, and figure it out from there. It is good though that you are starting to think about colleges if that is a path you want to pursue so young though! You are for sure at a head start.


2 years ago

The Ivy Leagues are University of Pennsylvania, Cornell, Columbia, Brown, Dartmouth, Princeton, Yale, and Harvard. From a quick search I have learned that Yale has a strong visual arts program and Harvard has a strong performing arts program, but they all have pretty strong arts programs.


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