a year ago
School List Suggestions

Hi what schools should I seriously consider applying to

Im currently a senior in California, my dad is a veteran so Indon't have to worry about tuition at Uc’s and CSU’s. I also qualify for a lot of financial aid.

Ive done marching band for 4 years

- Marching Band

- Concert Band

- Winter Percussion

- Jazz Band

Overall GPA of 3.897

I’m the treasurer of two clubs at my school

Im lead trumpet in my schools band

I havent taken very many ap’s, i took ap biology last year and got a 5 on the ap exam. Im taking 4 this year.

Im currently doing some genetic research with one of my classmates (the research is collegiate level)

I'm looking to major in genetics, biochemistry or biomedical sciences.

Im looking to stay in CA, I like more rural schools, big cities arent my thing.

Any replies are helpful 😊

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a year ago[edited]

Here are some schools you can take a look at. I tried to calculate your chances too, so hopefully that helps somewhat.

Pepperdine University - 90%

Claremont McKenna College - 16%

UC Merced - 98%

Scripps College - 35%

Biola University - 90%

UC Davis - 72%

Westmont College - 97%

California Polytechnic State University - 43%

Personally, I think Westmont, Pepperdine, Scripps, and UC Davis are schools that you would do really well at. They have the majors you're interested in, and they all have opportunities for research, especially Pepperdine, Scripps, and UC Davis. If you want to go to a small school, then Westmont or Scripps would be best since they only have 1k students each.

I hope this helps! Good luck with your college journey!


a year ago

Maybe try looking at UC Santa Cruz


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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