9 months ago
School List Suggestions

Potential Advice or Transfer School Recommendations

Hi! I’m a community college student in Illinois with a gpa of 3.6. I am going to be earning my associates in science (biology). Unfortunately due the pandemic and personal family circumstances, I was not able to participate in extracurriculars until this past school year. In high school, I fully participated in extracurriculars, took AP classes, and graduated summa cum laude in high school back in 2020. However, my ACT and SAT scores were average. I am currently researching possible transfer schools to apply to for a pre-med program but I am unsure if I would be a good candidate for them.

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9 months ago

I'm in a similar situation as you! I have a 3.5 GPA in my community college and looking to transfer next year. If you want an idea based on which of your credits will transfer, Transferology is your best friend. Along with that, I am a nursing major so our ideal colleges may match up because we're both in healthcare. My top 3 are Depaul University, Ohio State University, and University of Iowa. Good luck!

🎤9 months ago

Thanks! Good luck to you as well! I got accepted by DePaul back in 2020 but my financial aid offer wasn’t great. But I’m going to apply again and hopefully get a better shot at it.


9 months ago

As a transfer student, I think universities won’t regard your high school extra curriculars and courses as much. Depending on the school you apply to, it may be best to apply test optional if you are within the middle 50 percentile.

If you’re going to by applying through the common app, there is a section where you can explain how the circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic had impacted you. You could even write your common app essay around those impacts if you can brainstorm a good topic!


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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