10 months ago
School List Suggestions

What if my personal statement is not good?

I think my application is quite strong in various areas. For example, I'm a consistent A student, I have a variety of extracurriculars and leadership positions, and I achieved a 1550 on the SAT.

But what if my personal statement isn't very good?

This website gives me good chances for many schools but if my personal statement isn't great is it likely that I will be rejected by schools that are even categorized as safeties?

Just wondering because deadlines are approaching and I can't seem to produce a great personal statement, even though I have everything else... :(((

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10 months ago

I would recommend using Collegevine's Ivy AI assistant for brainstorming ideas. Also, you don't need a big dramatic story. Simply tell them who you are, what you value, and examples of this. Eg, I want to highlight how the combination of my determination, diligence, and dedication has helped me succeed in high school and life. I have lots of examples I could use to prove my point, so to speak. Eg, I started playing volleyball 4 months ago; I have never played a sport in my life, and yet with much practice I am slowly but surely advancing. Another example is that I had a job as a personal marketing assistant for the CEO of a math company for 3 months in 10th grade. Another one is the fact that I am homeschool and this requires me to be self-motivated and diligent. Some ways I have done this is through the National Academic Homeschool Competition in which I was a finalist last year. All these things point to the person I am.

Another thing you can do is share your passion. I love gardening and floral design; some ways I have proved my dedication to my future career are independent research, successfully cultivating 200+ chemical-free plants on greenhouse shelves, online floral classes, and hopefully I will soon get a job. These examples show that I am determined and found ways to begin my career while young.

Your personal statement is important; this is the only place on the application that the admissions officers get to "meet" you. What do you want them to know about you?

BYW, make sure you don't simply restate your resume or transcript; this are things they already see and notice. Instead, write about something not so obvious on your application, something you want to tell them.

Hope this helps :)


10 months ago

What is wrong with your personal statement, or why do you think it is not good enough?

🎤10 months ago

All my drafts have too much telling and not enough showing. I can't find a good life story to use that shows a lot.

10 months ago

According to the guidelines, I cannot ask to read your essay, but is there a way I could read your essay?

🎤10 months ago

Hahahahaha yeah, contact me through email or insta or something like that


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Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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