10 months ago
School List Suggestions

How to choose?

I am a current HS senior being recruited for water polo. I have some really good options for colleges, but I am having a really hard time deciding. My goal is to be committed (or at least down to 2-4 schools) by Christmas. At this point, I have absolutely no idea how I am going to decide. So here I am, asking strangers on the internet.

My major is Exercise Science, Health Science, or Biology (depending on the school). I am not super worried about the financial aspect because my academics are good enough to get a decent merit scholarship wherever I go. I would appreciate advice about which school you would choose if you were in my situation or advice on how to choose. I really like the coaches and players at all of the schools!

Here are my primary options

- School 1: D2 w/ athletic scholarship, would be able to get Bachelors+Masters in 3 years, super small school in the middle of nowhere, would get significant playing time freshman year

- School 2: D1 in a big city, no athletic scholarship, medium-sized school, Bachelors in 3 years, unsure about playing time freshman year

- School 3: D1 in a moderately sized city, no athletic scholarship, medium-sized school, Bachelors in 3 years, unlikely to get significant playing time freshman year

- School 4: D3 near a cluster of large cities, medium-sized school, Bachelors in 3 years, unlikely to get significant playing time freshman year

- School 5: D2 w/ small athletic scholarship, medium-sized school near a big city, Bachelors in 3 years, little to moderate playing time freshman year

- School 6: D3 that's 1-2 hours away from a major city, smallish school, Bachelors in 3 years, moderate to significant playing time freshman year

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10 months ago

I would say that schools 2 & 3 are good because they're D1, but school 1 seems like it might be the best choice overall. If cost is a major factor, definitely go with school 1, but if not, consider schools 2 & 3 more seriously.


10 months ago

If you are not worried about the cost, i would say school 2, d1 compared to d2 is a whole worlds difference


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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