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a year ago
School List Suggestions

Bio/Pre-Med Courses?

Hi, I'd love to know what colleges (public or private) are among the best for biology/science majors and/or medicine-oriented supplemental courses, like anatomy, physiology, etc. Sorry for being vague, however, I would love to know. Also, what are good gateway colleges into medical school that provide good learning quality and easy transition into higher education?

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
a year ago

Here is a short list (Most of these are pretty hard to get into)

Harvard University

Stanford University

University of California Berkeley

University of California Berkeley

Cornell University

Yale University

New York University

Duke University

Emory University


This list is only like 20% colleges and universities out there that are top and good, there are so many good universities, keep looking for more!

a year ago

Texas A&M University has a medical program for future doctorates. JAMP is an amazing program for students I've met with the mentors and they get paid to study and do their work while they're still in school and help you with scholarships, its a competitive program to get in i will let you know that, Rice University is a prestigious school here in Texas too. The Joint Admission Medical Program (JAMP) is a special program created by the Texas Legislature to support and encourage highly qualified, economically disadvantaged Texas resident students who are pursuing a medical education. Funded through the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, JAMP is a unique partnership between all 9 Texas medical schools and 67 public and private four-year undergraduate institutions, including Texas A&M University.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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