8 months ago
School List Suggestions

Help with which schools to apply for!


I am currently an junior in high school with a GPA of around 3.85-3.90 and I have taken 3 APS.

I really want to become a registered Nurse but don't know where to apply. My top choice right now is CSULB but I want a few better options to apply for. Also if anyone has any tips on how I can better my chances of getting into a nursing program??

Thank you!

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8 months ago

You can also enter a shorter nursing program at a community college that would also demonstrate your interest and help prepare you.


8 months ago

I recommend looking at nurse-related internships and volunteering opportunities. It could be as simple as helping out at a hospital or a home for elderly. This demonstrates early interest and dedication to your future career!


8 months ago

hello, it all depends where you want to go. do you want to be in or out of state? for your senior year make sure you take more AP or honors/preAP classes and try to look for extra curriculars especially related to Health Science and look for nurse volunteering opportunities. If you are out of state and don't mind out of state choices, Texas A&M and Baylor University by what I know so far. Rice University is a prestigious school if you're interested in that. You can also look into community colleges if you'd prefer that its cheaper only difference is campuses are smaller and you don't get the big university experience and that is okay its honestly a smart choice to go with it because the school you graduate doesnt really matter, In texas Blinn community college has housing in Brenham and helps students transfer and get admissions to Texas A&M (GPA of 3.5 or more to be in Texas A&M) but those are just my recommendations. Make sure to score good for the SAT ACT or TSIA which ever would be good.


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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