8 months ago
School List Suggestions

What college would suit me the best?!

I am a junior in high school and currently live in NC. For me I have a hard time really finding the best college for me. I honestly don't have the best resume out there but I really want to apply early and see which one is best. I'm hoping for something close and not supppper expensive but I can go for anything really. I want anything with a good major in Biology or Pre-Med. I've always wanted to be a neurosurgeon and that's what I'm sticking with soooo, I'm looking for something like that. Its kinda tricky tho. Life is really starting to get real and i need to put forth in my studies and figuring out the right college. I think I would like to stay on campus, I'm not a huge Greek living girl but it would look nice so if there is a college that has it I'll take it. If anyone could help that'll be amazing!!

GPA- 3.6

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8 months ago

Look into colleges that offer strong programs in Biology or Pre-Med. Consider universities known for their medical programs. Look at their admission requirements and see if your GPA aligns with their expectations. vampire survivors


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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