8 months ago
School List Suggestions

Best Colleges for Biology/Acting

I am really interested in both biology (more specifically, cancer biology or using the degree to go into physical therapy) and I also want to pursue my passion for acting. Which colleges would be the best for me? I am also a very social person and I am interested in a good social setting.

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8 months ago

I am not familiar with schools for this so I used Ivy assistant:

University of Southern California (Los Angeles, CA) - USC has a renowned School of Dramatic Arts for acting and a strong biological sciences program, with faculty researching cancer biology. The campus has an active social scene, including Greek life, clubs, and sports events.

University of California, Los Angeles (Los Angeles, CA) - UCLA offers a respected School of Theater, Film, and Television, and a Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology major with opportunities to focus on cancer biology. UCLA has a vibrant campus life, with over 1,000 student organizations and an attractive location.

Northwestern University (Evanston, IL) - Northwestern has both a well-regarded School of Communication, which includes the theater program, and a strong biology program with faculty researching cancer. The campus offers diverse social opportunities, such as student clubs, intramural sports, and arts events.

New York University (New York, NY) - NYU has the Tisch School of the Arts for acting and a solid biology program, with research opportunities in cancer biology. The university's location in New York City offers numerous social, cultural, and professional experiences for students.

University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI) - UMich offers a strong acting program through their School of Music, Theatre & Dance, and a top-notch biology program with cancer biology research opportunities. The campus has a lively social scene, featuring numerous clubs, events, and a strong sports culture.

Hope this helps! I highly recommend checking out each program and considering all aspects when deciding on a college! If you have any more questions, lmk!

🎤8 months ago

Thanks so much! I will be visiting University of Michigan soon :))

8 months ago

That's great! So glad I could help :)

8 months ago

An arts school will certainly have many good performances bubble shooter


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