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11 months ago
School List Suggestions

Extra Curricular Ideas

My Name is Kyle and I am a freshman in high school with an unweighted 4.0(weighted 4.31 as of right now), planning to take 11APS 9 Honors and 1 College Course, want to go to an Ivy, and want to major in Finance. As extracurriculars I do/will do Spring Track, Winter Track, Cross Country, Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Service Club, FBLA, NHS, NJHS, FLHS, and Stony Brook University Mathematics Summer Program. My dream school is UPenn and if anyone has suggestions on what I should do to help spice up my applications please let me know. I need more extracurriculars and I would like to know what to do/what UPenn looks for in a student. Thank you so much and have a great day!

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11 months ago

Volunteering: Offer financial literacy workshops or help with budgeting for local non-profit organizations. This can showcase leadership and a desire to give back to the community.

Online courses or certifications: Pursue relevant online courses or certifications to deepen their knowledge in business and finance.

Business plan competitions: Participate in local, regional, or national business plan competitions to gain experience in pitching ideas and receiving feedback.

Financial content creation: Start a blog, YouTube channel, or podcast to share knowledge and insights about business and finance topics.


11 months ago

Investment or stock market clubs: Participate in a club that focuses on investing, stock market analysis, or trading. This can help develop practical knowledge of financial markets.

Entrepreneurship: Start a small business or work on a business idea. This can include online ventures, retail, or service-based businesses.

Finance internships or job shadowing: Look for internships or job-shadowing opportunities in local businesses or financial institutions. This can provide hands-on experience and connections in the industry.


11 months ago

Ok, so the first thing I noticed was that you already have a long list of EC's rn. They are good but not super unique or specific. What are you passionate about? What do you enjoy the most? Get involved in ECs specific to your unique interests and hobbies. Then your passion and individuality will shine through your application. This is what the admissions officers really want to see- Passion put to action!

Also, if you are aiming for Ivies, exceptional grades are necessary so you don't want to become overwhelmed and unable to keep up with it all. Balance is key to a healthy life. The rule with ECs is ALWAYS quality over quantity. Running around cramming in as many ECs as you can is not healthy or appealing to colleges. Like I said, evident passion is important!

Hope this helps. Please lmk if you have any questions :)

🎤11 months ago

I am really passionate about business and finance, do you have any extracurriculars that would help that passion shine through my resume? Also as far as academics go I have over an 100 average right now unweighted, is that good enough for an ivy?

11 months ago

Your GPA sounds great to me! I am not familiar with business/finance ECs so I asked Ivy assistant for suggestions:

"1) DECA or FBLA: These are student organizations focused on business, entrepreneurship, and leadership. They offer competitions, conferences, and networking opportunities.

2) School or community clubs: Join or start a business or finance club at school or in the community. These clubs can organize events, workshops, or even manage a small-scale business.

🎤11 months ago

I viewed over all of your suggestions and I plan to do most of these. Thank you!


What are your chances of acceptance?
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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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