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10 months ago
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Is freshman year really that big of a deal or am I just being too hard on myself?

I'm a freshman in high school and I really want to go to college in California for film (particularly Pepperdine). Back in December by GPA was a 3.72 unweighted, 4.0 weighted but it's been going back down this second semester. Do colleges really care that much about 9th grade compared to 11th and 12th? Any good studying tips to help me get that GPA back up?

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
9 months ago

Study every day. Take AP classes in your upcoming years and get good grades in those as well. AP is graded differently and will make your GPA go up.

9 months ago

Short answer: Colleges care more about junior and senior, so as long as freshmen gpa is at about a 3.4, you’ll be fine.

Long answer: It really depends on the college. Pepperdine has an acceptance rate of 53%, which is decently competitive. However, if you continue to show genuine interest in films whilst partaking in a few EC’s and really trying to maintain a 3.4, you’ll be fine.

Tips: Remember, this is your freshmen year. I’m a freshman as well, and I confidently tell you that you will be fine. For math and science I would use apps like Khan Academy and YouTubers like Organic Chemistry Tutor (depending on you math class level) or Crash Course. For social studies try making Quizlets, learning new note taking styles, and work with a study-buddy (Crash Courses are great as well). Considering that you young, you won’t need to find some really complicated study technique, you just need something that works.

Best of luck!

9 months ago

i can totally relate! freshman year was tough, but you will get through it! colleges do look at all four years but mainly course rigor and junior/senior year. if you’re taking really tough classes, colleges can see that. good luck and it will get better!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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