3 months ago
School List Suggestions

Is Grade 7 too early to start looking for colleges?

I am a grade 7 student trying to find options for University

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3 months ago

Hi @kat.iel29, I agree with what most people are saying. It's ok to look. There is nothing wrong with researching early. When you start looking at different colleges early (like I did), you get more time to compare and contrast the different programs and universities to find the one that is best for you. Then you can start working towards that specific college, taking classes and joining ECs that will help your application for that specific school. You will know what SAT/ACT score you need, so it can be very helpful and less stressful to decide on a college early.

Knowing what you want to do at a young age is helpful because you can begin to pursue that interest now. However, there is a lot of wisdom in what @nats said- be ready to change your mind. Don't limit yourself. Explore, explore, and find that one thing you want to do the rest of your life. It's great if you stick with performing arts, but it's okay if you like something else. I have changed my mind SO many times. I wasn't really set on what I wanted to do until the end of 9th/beginning of 10th grade. I was bouncing between 2 career ideas until I started researching colleges with the programs I wanted. Once I started looking around, I just knew I wanted to study horticulture, not teaching. I got so excited simply reading the horticulture program pages :)

I also agree that your current studies and activities are important and you should focus on them. It is wonderful that you have straight A's! Keep up the good work and maintain healthy study habits. Also, be ready for the classes to get much, much harder. I can tell you from experience that it will take more effort to maintain A's in high school vs. middle school. Stay balanced. A lot of A students neglect their personal interests/hobbies. That is where ECs come in. Don't just volunteer to volunteer. Find a route of volunteering that is connected to your passion. Maybe there are organizations that teach performing arts to underpriviledged children? I don't know exactly what, but there are options out there. Do things you are passionate about and that will shine. Not only will it help your college application but it is very healthy to have activities that you enjoy.

Hope this helps provide some clarity. lmk if you have any questions!


3 months ago

I started looking at colleges last year (I am currently a freshman in high school). I’ve been told by a couple people that I still have time, and shouldn’t worry about it now. If you’re in 7th grade I would say absolutely expose yourself to it, but you should still focus on your current school and whatnot. It does not hurt to look, but don’t be afraid to change your mind and don’t set high expectations for yourself right now. Your mind is going to change and that’s ok, I’ve changed what I’ve wanted to do and where I want to go so many times in the past couple of months. Essentially what I’m trying to say is it will never hurt to look and get an idea of what you want to do, but still focus on the schoolwork you’re doing now, and don’t be afraid to say you don’t want to do something even if you were previously interested.

🎤3 months ago

Yeah. I get it. Thanks


3 months ago

But u shld also focus on ur studies tho.

🎤3 months ago

Yeah. I am. I'm transferring to a performing arts school (if I get accepted) for the rest of high school so I can get a better experience with my interests in Acting. I'm a straight A student so I think I'm doing alright.

3 months ago



3 months ago

May I ask why? There doesn't seem like a point in it. I know some people like to prepare, but this doesn't help you at all. Just get good at some sports, find a hobby, and study. I know you're proud of being smart enough to be able to look for colleges, but come on, man. You know it's too early.

🎤3 months ago

I am transferring to a drama school and they have us start planning in Grade 8. Right now I'm just looking at options.

3 months ago

So start next year. Next year is almost definitely looking at options, so why start now? It's not like you're gonna enroll earlier if you do

🎤3 months ago

I'm just looking to see the average academic requirements so I can see what ECs I need and what SAT/ACT scores I should aim for.

3 months ago

Well go ahead then, I just think you shouldnt worry about this stuff yet


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