6 months ago
School List Suggestions

looking to form a proper list

Stats and Stuff:

-Junior at a public magnet school in NC

-Low income (>$65,000)

-3.84 UW/ 4.52 W GPA (I've taken 12 honors and will have finished 23 DE classes by graduation)

-was on the Dean's List at the university I'm dual-enrolled at for Fall 2023 semester

-32 ACT and 1390 (lol) SAT

-I'm in NHS, contribute to a social justice podcast with my friends, have been published in two university literary magazines, learn languages recreationally (Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian), play the guitar, and some other stuff

-ranked 13/89~

I want to double major in English and History (or possibly Poli-Sci), but I have no clue what schools to put on my list. I’m definitely looking for a mid-sized to large city, urban kind of environment with lots of people from diverse backgrounds. Open to West Coast schools, but prefer East Coast and Midwest. I don’t really care about the social life (parties or whatever), but I want to join some clubs related to my interests (rock music/guitar, art, film) and major.

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6 months ago

UNC and Duke, obviously, look at UC Berkeley, UGA, USCarolina, Clemson, Ohio State and some other ones.

What you’re asking is a chance-me, which won’t help you. Give us some more info, like where you want to live, what opportunities do you want, social life, clubs, Urban or college town. You have a solid app, but you need to give us more info.

🎤6 months ago[edited]

You’re right; thank you lol. That slipped my mind.

I’m definitely looking for a mid-sized to large city, urban kind of environment with lots of people from diverse backgrounds. Good academics. Preferably not West Coast, but I’m open. I don’t really care about the social life (parties or whatever), but I’d definitely like to join some clubs.

6 months ago

I feel like your best option would be UNC, just cause of in state tuition and the fact that it has all the you want.

Try Tennessee, UVA, Virginia Tech, and NC State, UGA, and maybe Alabama. Those are some great target and safety schools. If you want, shoot for Penn State and Ohio State if you want to move up north. Also, trying applying to Georgetown as a reach.

You have a good app, so you have a lot of options, use college rankings from Niche and usnews to find the best places for you.

🎤6 months ago

Thank you! I will definitely take all of this into account.


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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