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7 months ago
School List Suggestions


Hi! My name is Aaliya and I'm going to be a junior in high school starting this September. I have a 3.88 unweighted GPA and over the last two years, I have been in a total of 4 extracurriculars. I was a member of my school's crochet club and DECA in my freshman year but in my sophomore year, I dropped the crochet club and joined both Key Club and HOSA and remained in DECA. In my freshman year, my IMC for DECA placed 4th in the state of OR and sophomore year my EFB placed 2nd in the state and qualified for ICDC which I attended. Though I have been in HOSA for just one year, my PSA about fentanyl placed 2nd in the state and qualified for nationals which I was not able to attend. This coming year I will be enrolling in IB classes and pursuing the full IB diploma. I am mainly focusing on studying medicine, though business and law are also subjects that I'm interested in.

Here are some of the schools on my list (there's a lot lol I'm not sure which ones are the best fit):

Reach: MIT, USC, UC Berkley, University of Notre Dame, JHU, Boston University, University of Michigan, Boston College, Northeastern University, Amherst College, UPenn, CalTech, Yale and Stanford

Target: RPI, UC Davis, Emerson College, Cal Poly, UCSD, UC Irvine, and Macalester College

Safety: Texas Tech, U of O, UMass Boston, Hofstra, Adrian College, University of Washington, OSU

So basically I'm wondering how I can make some of my reach schools into at least hard targets and if other schools would be better fits.


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6 months ago

Hey there...Your profile is amazing...but everything can always improve right?

so...your GPA...can increase...Take APs (you can take IBs too)

Your SAT score should be very good...or ACT (whichever you take)

Essays and LOR should be strong enough and is good...

Try to pull up the GPA to 4.0 or at least 3.90, trust me it helps a lot...

and as for your interest...medicine requires a huge amount of study and dedication while law or business is comparatively is up to you...what you choose but make sure you have enough information regarding the fields...

Hope it helped...

Best of luck❤


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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