a month ago
School List Suggestions

Good shot at NYU, Purdue, and UW for Mechanical Engineering?

Hey y'all! I have a gpa of 3.0 with an SAT score of 1580. i also have great extracurriculars like my internships in waste management and an organization called sustainability ambassadors. I also taught a class of kids (own initiative) to get them interested in STEM. I also run Bollywood dance classes at home and was also the PR and later vice president of the creative writing club at my school. I also initiated and organized events at my school like Earth Week where we did a bunch of activities to teach our school about sustainability and taking care of the environment.

I want to get into these colleges but I recognize that my GPA is a tough spot. Do you think I can get in considering my SAT score and extracurriculars?

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a month ago

Amazing profile...I get it...the GPA is a bit of a challenge...but nonetheless it's good...your SAT is amazing...if you have time...i suggest take some APs?IBS to enchance your profile more, cover up for the gpa...but rest assured your ECs are amazing too...

I think you do have a good shot at NYu UW but Purdue i am not quite sure...but there are some other great universities too...try there...and your SAT is good and overall profile is not bad either...you could try in some T20s and ivies too...try your luck...

you can take some local college classes equivalent to AP/IB too...to show that you are committed and determined...

Hope it helps! All the best!

🎤a month ago

Thank you for the response!!

I have taken 7 aps but i earned a three 4 of my course and the other are 4s or 5s... What do you think I can do to strengthen my application for purdue?

a month ago

It is good...

but you could submit some portfolio of your EC, and you must have a stellar essay...letters of rec (tell the person writing it for you to not brag about you but tell about your development) and if you still have time, work on this GPA...but these should do it for Purdue..

good luck!


🎤a month ago

Also I am not sure if this should have gone to QnA or Discussion. So idk if this is under the write category

a month ago

Don't worry..it's alright


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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