a month ago
School List Suggestions

Do I have a chance with a high GPA and an Average SAT as a Computer Science Major?

Hello, I am a South Asian student residing in California and looking to major in computer science. I have a 4.167 weighted GPA (possibly could increase based on my last four college class credits) and a 1200 SAT. I have taken 3 APs and will be taking 4 in my Senior Year as well as 7 college credit courses (6 community college courses). I was also part of NSHSS.

For my extracurriculars, I am a student government leader, a teacher assistant at my high school for three consecutive years across three subjects (history, math, AP Lang), and a club leader for Animation Club for three years.

I continue to work through 2 internships, one through building virtual reality systems for the Mueseum of Future Sports and one with a STEM company as a full-stack developer and website manager. I also manage my own startup that has won a business award in 2023.

I volunteer as a writer for EcoTeens, a company that advocates for environmental change in our society. I also volunteered as a writer at Mozilla as a Knowledge Base Writer and at the National Archives, where I archive and transcribe many documents on their online website.

I won a business award, core characteristic award for responsibility, English Student of the Year, and Innovative Club of the Year through the Summit Program District (across 2 states). I also won third place at a local Hackathon in 11th Grade.

My dream schools would be UC Berkeley, Carnegie Mellon, Stanford, Caltech, and Georgia Tech.

I would love to get into UT Austin, UC Irvine, UCSD, UCSB, Purdue, Cal Poly, University of Washington and NC State.

My safeties would include UCSC, San Jose State, University of San Diego, and San Diego State.

What do you believe my chances could be for these colleges and how do I stack up?

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@sOmEoNea month ago

Playing devil’s advocate: Your SAT score of 1200 is below the average for top schools like CMU, Stanford, etc.. These schools often have average SAT scores of 1400-1550. The competition is fierce, especially for Computer Science. Your extracurriculars are impressive but may seem spread thin. Essays and recommendations are crucial. As a South Asian student, standing out can be challenging. However, your high GPA, leadership roles, internships, and awards are significant.

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1 answer

23 days ago

You can just choose not to include your SAT score...most universities in US have that option...in common app...

your overall application is good enough...and i would suggest taking APs /IBs...

you have a fairly good chance...but i would say your application could do some more work for Ivies and T10s...

Essays and LOR should be strong enough...

And if you have time...please try to give the SAT again...and increase the score...

Overall its fine...

Best of Luck...Hope it helped...

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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