17 days ago
School List Suggestions

Are there any easy AP classes?

Hey, guys so I am a junior who is in the process of getting her GPA up. I have better chances of getting my GPA up faster with AP classes. I do not do very well in math. Are there AP class subjects that can help me progress? My GPA is 2.577 I started virtual school as a 9th grader and it set me up horribly. I'm ready to take on anything a little difficult other than math. My dream college is either NCAT or Hampton University (HBCU).

Need Help!?!

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16 days ago

In general, AP Environmental Science is regarded as a good start. There will be some math involved, but not much. In my case, we just read a lot from a textbook.

🎤16 days ago

Oh okay, I will look into this. Thank You!!


9 days ago

AP human geography is pretty easy as long as you stay on top of the work. AP psychology is a bit more challenging but is easy to comprehend. I’ve also heard from friends that AP envionmental science and AP computer science principles is pretty easy. Good luck!!!


12 days ago

AP Human Geography could be a great option to look into! It isn't super hard and there's a focus on things that happen around us in the world, so it's easier to comprehend and connect with. It was actually my favorite subject in freshman year; I found it super interesting!


15 days ago

AP Psychology is known as a very easy AP! There may be some math but it's something you can do without a calculator and it's maybe a tiny part of one unit.

🎤15 days ago

Okay That sounds GREATTT THANK YOU


15 days ago

I took AP World History as a sophomore! I got a 3 on the exam and I know I could've done better if I did a little more prep! I passed with a B all year. apart from history, it helped with my reading comprehension and helped me become a better writer. it's very manageable! I'm also in AP English Language right now which hasn't been too bad yet, but school also just started. it's a good class to take though because if you do well on your exam you can be exempt from your language class at some colleges. Good luck!!!

🎤15 days ago

Okay Thank Youu


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SAT: 720 math
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