18 days ago
School List Suggestions

Interested in Journalism - What can I do to improve my stats?

Hey! I'm a current junior wanting to major in journalism and (if possible) also do something Marketing related. I'm an international student applying to the US and want to get advice on how to improve my stats.

Current stats:

- 4.0 GPA

- Full IB DP: HL English, Spanish (both L&L) and Global Politics + SL Math app, Economics, and ESS

- Unknown SAT score: I took a PSAT in 10th grade and got 1050 w/out studying at all, (will start studying to get at least 1300)


- Marketing and Communications internship (3wks, not payed)

- gone to 5 debate conferences (at other schools too), worked as admin too.

- Active member of 3 humanitarian help clubs (founder of 1 and have done and organized a few fundraisers)

- attended a summer seminars program

- attended a leadership seminar

Other EC's I might do??

- trying to get a sports journalism internship

- starting a journal for my club (or maybe I shourt start like a personal vlog? post restaurant reviews, articles abt my travels, things I like, etc??) help pls

- Will apply to northwesterns cherubs program and the NYT summer academy program

Uni's I've looked at so far:

- Northwestern

- UT Austin

-University of Missouri (Mizzou?)

- Emerson

- USC (gotta do more research tho)

Uni's Ive heard of (have yet to research)

- Syracuse


- North Carolina Chapel Hill

I know this has been a lengthy post and I apologize, I'm trying to learn as much as I can about the college admissions process and all the feedback I can get on my EC's (pretty worried abt that) and about Uni recommendations is greatly appreciated. After researching the Uni's I mentioned above, I'm worried I'm not sure If I'm doing enough. Please give ideas on what to do/improve! Thank you guys!

Also, for anyone in the same position as me, Reddit has helped SO MUCH. Look up the school and major you're researching and you'll see and get honest feedback. It's what has prompted me to reach out to people online.

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What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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