15 days ago
School List Suggestions

Meh SAT, low GPA, am I cooked?

High SAT, low GPA due to personal issues (Reposing bc I didn't get enough answers/polls the first 3 times lol):

Poll: What schools should I hope to get into realistically? In-state for UCs :p

Also questions for comments:

1) If I do good on ACT Science (34-36) can that make up for my bad science?

2) Do I work on GPA (Not much I can do), SAT/ACT (grind out prep, and target score for Ivys), or ECs (And what if so)?

Hi, I'm a South Asian student in Cali coming from a middle-high income neighborhood (200-400k range), I moved around a lot before 7th grade and then COVID hit where I fell behind on Science & ELA due to bad teachers. I am going into senior year with a 3.83UW and 4.44W. It may go up due to 2 college courses which will be articulated.

SAT 1530(750ELRW/780Math) taken once, was jetlagged in India when I took it (I had arrived at 4am the day b4 and hadn't slept in like 40 hours bc I love airplanes xD). I'm waiting for August SAT and will try the ACT in Oct I think.

POTENTIALLY national semifinalist for NMSQT, I got 217 or smth as my SI but Cali is normally 218-220.

Academics: 15 community college courses(All As but only some articulated to HS), 7ish(8 maybe not sure?) honors. 10 total APs,

10th: 5 HuGeo

11th: Super sick during exams, got 3 AB (Prereq for BC at our school), 3 Lang, 3 CSA, and 4 Stats

12th: taking Phys C Mech, BC, Psych, CSP, and Span Lang

For some ECs, I have 600+ Volunteer Hours, with 2x PVSA Gold and 2 years at a COVID vaccine drive.

I work for a nonprofit providing middle schoolers with the opportunity to learn and compete at math comps. 3rd place at Stanford Math Tournament as a sophomore, no other math comp bc of access issues.

Led my community's first 3 5K runs, free for all three, 200-500+ participants each time. The club (SMAP Youth Club) also raised 300 lbs of food per year for 3 years.

Self study on 4 languages not including English.

Water Polo (JV,JV,JV,Var). and Swim 4 years (JV,JV,Var,Var) and got top 3 finishes at every final tournament for swim. Did lifeguarding partitme and taught kids how to swim for about 8 months, was lead lifeguard for my city's public swim program for a total time of about 30 hours (It was only a week long)

Went to CA State and National Spech and Debate Tournament (didn't do great there bc 104 fever go brrr , won straight 1st and 2nd at League level in my events.

Looking to publish math research.

Hooks/Adtl. Info: I am a first-generation immigrant and the first in my family to attend college in the US.

Preceding freshman year I broke my arm in a car crash and struggled to write for that year. Despite recovering in 10th, I had another wrist injury from swimming and a subsequent accident where I was the primary victim in junior year, both of which impacted my 1st semester English grades. Both cars were totaled during the debilitating crashes; I still experience pain and weakness but I’ve been using swim and water polo practices to recoup my arm strength. However, the mental impact left me struggling to keep up in school, especially for long periods of time. The lack of a car during most of freshman and junior year meant I had to bike to wherever I wanted to go. Combined with my parents’ intermittent journeys to India due to several family deaths, time management and caretaking for my sister has been a struggle. I discovered my passion for cooking through occasionally needing to cook for her (and, at times, my whole family, due to my parents’ long hours). I also learned time management while helping at home and juggling my own work.

I missed two weeks near the start of junior year due to extreme sickness. Keeping up in Physics felt impossible no matter how much I tried, but I was still able to get Bs. My initial setback along with my passion for avionics has influenced my decision to take AP Physics in hopes to properly learn what I previously didn’t understand.

I have taken several courses at my local community college because my school doesn't offer them or I didn’t have enough slots in my regular schedule. Some were articulated to my HS transcript while others were not.

Dream School: Columbia (ED), MIT (EA), Harvard/Stanford (duh but no REA bc thats quirky)

Thank you!!!

Ivy Level/Stanford/MIT (<5% AR)
T20/Berekely Level (<15% AR)
T50/UIUC Level (<30% AR)
100% Cooked, it's so over for you (Community College)
Poll closed52 votes
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15 days ago

You are NOT cooked...if anyone selects that in the poll, take my advice and ignore them :) You will not be stuck at a community college. I agree with with @Brookemyluv...it can't hurt to try and apply to a mix of all of them! Remember to focus on the ones that have your major. Also, please keep in mind that Ivies are not always the best fit for you personally even if they are considered the best schools. It's important to balance your personal preferences (like small vs. large school, location, etc.) AND make sure that the program will train you/specialize in the area you want to be trained. I would take the SAT again b/c if you were jetlagged and got a 1530, you are capable of KILLING that test! I do not recommend taking the ACT...colleges know that the science section is more reading comprehension vs. factual science.

Hope this helps and lmk if you have any more questions.


15 days ago

Okay I'm not voting because I don't know much about those schools, I'm DEFINITELY not aiming for ivy or any even remotely selective schools. What I will say though: just apply to all of them. Worst case, you're not accepted. When I read "low GPA" I did not expect you to be doing incredibly. Keep it up and good luck :))


14 days ago


I wouldn't say you're cooked at all and there's nothing wrong with community college. You have this year and next year to kick it into gear. Sure, you might want to study a bit more and strive for higher grades, but really you aren't that bad off. I like, how you know where you want to be, so make that your goal, but don't be scared to settle for what you can actually get, Ivy and MIT are good schools, but there are colleges with good programs that are just as effective. Never give up on your goals, but also learn it's alright to settle.

Hope this helps.


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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