12 days ago
School List Suggestions


I am an honors student with a 4.0 GPA. I take OnRamps (which will give me 7+ credits by the end of high school) and AP (4+ credits) but no dual enrollment courses. I was a varsity member of the color guard when we won state and got semi-finalist at worlds (had to quit for mental health but I am medicated now :D). Currently, I'm the philosophy club secretary, and in DECA, Luv Micheal, and Crabon Crew, as well as being a Big Future Ambassador. I am looking into joining our agents and creative writing clubs and creating a Big Future Club too. I want to major in psychology, criminal justice, or accounting (curve ball I know xD) but don't know where to go at all. I'm seriously drowning in options and hearing from some sources I'm a great candidate and others saying below average. If anybody has/ has had similar interests or extracurriculars and has any ideas of where to research I'm open.

Sorry for the word vomit and thanks for the help!

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7 days ago

Hi there! Also here an OnRamps Texas-based student, I heard that UT Austin has the best Accounting program in the U.S., with your stats you are making it 100% to UT. Good luck!


9 days ago

I'm in almost the same boat as you, and plan to Major in psychology. It really depends on where you are from because of tuition prices for out of state but a really good college in Ohio is Bowling Green university. They have almost any major you can think of and the campus is beautiful (i've toured it in person), and the people are so sweet. As for the scholarships they give out plenty, especially merit scholarships (in which you should have no problem getting). They also have a wide arrangement of clubs and sports. They do have a higher acceptance rate but don't let that discourage you from at the very least looking into it (people with a highschool background like yours tend to shoot for lower acceptance rate school, sorry for assuming if that's not the case). :)

🎤9 days ago

Thanks! I'm based in Texas, but have traveled to Ohio for comps and loved the weather, plus I have a frined there!


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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