3 years ago
School List Suggestions

What are the main things I should be looking for in schools when I am making my list?

What things should I be looking for in a school? What matters most? What goes to making a college list?

- Rank?


-Specific Programs?

- Location?

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3 answers

3 years ago

Hi. This is a very good question. Here are things I considered when adding schools to my list.

-Rank and Reputation->Is it a well-renowned school, in general, and in a specific field?

-Location->Is it in an urban setting? Is it in a big city (New York City, Atlanta, Los Angeles, etc) or a small college town? What state is it in?

-Programs offered->Does it offered my preferred major?

-Chance->Do I have a good chance of being admitted to the school?

Here is why I chose MIT as my top choice school:

-It is well-renowned, especially in engineering.

-Boston is one of the best cities to live in and Massachusetts is one of the best states to live in.

-It offers my preferred major (aerospace engineering) and is well-renowned in that.

-I am a very good student; quite involved so I have a chance of getting in.

2 years ago

I think specific programs come first. It is better to get an education in the right programs at a less prestigious university.

3 years ago

This is a great question. What you want to look for should depend on you. What do you want in your school. I think that you should look for your course in a school. The schools which will help you achieve your dream. The academic standard, the teacher to student ratio, the requirements of the school. You can also think about the affordability, the location, size, diversity, religious orientation, student life , aesthetic, environment etc. For me its is a bit different I look for schools with my major firstly, then the locations, the affordability, how much aid they give. and the fooooood!

Look at your self, think about what you'd like and ... search.

Good luck ;)

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Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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