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5 years ago
UCLA prospective students

UCLA Admissions tips

I'm currently a Sophomore in high school, and I want to attend UCLA after graduating from high school. What things should I be doing now to increase my chance of acceptance? Also, how should I contact the university for more information?


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3 answers

5 years ago

For your first question, if you want more details about the admission process and academic preparation, you can always go to the website itself, which is You would see an icon called "admission," which is how you can get more details.

For your second question, if you want to get in touch with UCLA, you can always join their mailing list, which is this link: If you want to contact them directly, there is a "Contact" button that you can click on.

If you want more details on UCLA or any other school, such as ideal GPAs, SAT scores, ACT scores, etc, then you can go to Niche is an amazing website where you are able to see where your desired colleges rank, their majors, application links, reviews, etc. Of course, everything that people say on there is opinion-based and the best way to experience college is to experience it yourself, but it can help you get an idea. You don't have to create an account, but if you do, there are many scholarships and other opportunities provided on the website.

I hope I was helpful enough. I am a sophomore too and I am already worried about college...

5 years ago

I would say your best bet to see if there is a student ambassador for example a UCLA alumni who interacts with prospectice students in an area for example a NYC UCLA ambassador or just email your intended majors department head and ask for help and they can direct you I did that a bit and so far it works. If theres a student organization you intend to join email someone and ask for a student to reposnd best example would be a hillel but there are others

5 years ago

I feel like you should start taking a lot more courses that fit your ideal career, and take more classes that are harder. The way I've heard it is: if you do good in easy classes (like an A+ in a non-AP), it'll be worth less than a lower grade in a hard class (like a mid B to low A in an AP course), as per the college's viewpoint.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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