2 years ago
UCLA prospective students

Lowest GPA accepted at UCLA SON

Does anyone know the lowest GPA an incoming freshmen entering UCLA school of nursing has gotten?? I’m sitting at about a 3.6 right now in grade 10 hoping to get at least a 3.9 junior year. Thank you


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Hi there @hxoqa,

UCs have A-G requirements, which are courses you have to take in order to be eligible for admission there. All of the UCs practice holistic admissions, meaning they take every part of your application into account, but a stated requirement to be considered is that you cannot have earned a grade lower than a C in their A to G subject requirements. In-state students must earn a minimum 3.0 GPA in their A to G subject requirements, while out-of-state students are required to earn a 3.4 GPA or higher.

UCLA's nursing program, however, is one of the top 25 in the nation and admission is much more competitive for this path than for most other majors, so you'll need to try to be as close to a 4.0 as possible.

In terms of next steps, I've compiled a few resources for you:

You can try our chancing engine to see what your current chances of acceptance are.

There's also this article on how to get accepted to UCLA. I'd read through this but take the stats with a grain of salt since the nursing program is historically more competitive with a <5% acceptance rate.

Finally, colleges will recalculate your GPA with a weighting system to take your course rigor into account. Like most schools, UCs calculate GPA a bit differently - but unlike most schools, they've made that information public. You can learn how to calculate your UC GPA here.

My overall advice would be to make sure you'll hit all of those A-G requirements by the time you graduate, and to ensure that you're getting the best grades possible and also participating in nursing-related extracurriculars to demonstrate your interest in this particular program.

Hope this helps!

2 years ago

Hello! The UCLA SON is for students who have completed their undergraduate degree (you have to have 60-70 units of transferable college coursework to be eligible.) So, because you are only in 10th grade, you have all 4 years of college to achieve your desired GPA.

The lowest GPA the school of nursing accepts is 3.0 for residents and 3.4 for non-residents. Although I have no idea what the lowest GPA ever accepted is, the average GPA is about 3.47 unweighted.

Hope this helps!

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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