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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Can someone share their experience at Brown University?

I'm super interested in Brown University, especially because of the Open Curriculum, and I'm eager to hear from anyone who's been there or is currently enrolled. What's life like on campus? How collaborative versus competitive is it? Are there enough opportunities for research and internships? Doing all the research online is starting to get overwhelming, so some first-hand accounts would be really helpful!

a year ago

Hi there! My daughter is currently a junior at Brown, and she has absolutely been thriving with the Open Curriculum. It allowed her to explore subjects she'd never considered before, and she's been able to shape her education to her interests which has been really empowering for her. She's found the environment to be very collaborative; students often form study groups, and there's a sense of community in tackling tough assignments together rather than competing against one another.

Regarding opportunities, she has been involved in research since her sophomore year and even secured an internship last summer through a career fair on campus. Brown's CareerLAB has been a fantastic resource in connecting her with opportunities both on and off-campus. She mentioned that faculty are generally very approachable and eager to include undergraduates in their research projects, which is not always the case at larger institutions. As for internships, Providence's location is advantageous because you're not too far from Boston and New York, which increases the pool of possibilities.

Finally, from what she tells me, the student life is vibrant, with plenty of clubs, events, and activities happening all the time. She joined a few clubs in her freshman year and has made a solid group of friends through them. I hope this helps give you an insider's look at Brown, and if you have any specific questions, I'd be happy to try and get answers for you from my daughter!

a year ago

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