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Thoughts on high school photography class for a non-art major application?

Hey! I'm no Picasso, but I seriously enjoy photography. I’m thinking of taking a photography class in my senior year, but I'm not planning to major in art. Do you think colleges would like that I’m exploring my interests, or should I focus on more academic electives?

a year ago

Hey there! I'm glad to hear you've found joy in photography! When it comes to college applications, selecting courses that reflect your genuine interests can actually be a positive decision. Taking a photography class, especially if you are passionate about it, can provide a more well-rounded educational experience. Your schedule should of course prioritize academic rigor relevant to your intended major, but that doesn't mean you have to steer clear of the arts. In fact, engaging in the arts can showcase your desire to pursue personal growth and a breadth of learning, which are qualities colleges appreciate.

Don't forget that colleges value students who have diversified interests and can bring different perspectives to campus. This photography class can be a great opportunity to demonstrate your creativity and passion, which are aspects that add depth to your application beyond grades and test scores. If photography is a hobby that energizes you and could potentially contribute to your well-being during your busy senior year, I'd say go for it!

Best of luck in your senior year—and remember, building a portfolio of experiences that are authentic to you is always a good approach when thinking about college applications.

a year ago

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