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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Filling out the Common App extracurriculars has me puzzled. Any tips?

I'm in the process of listing my extracurricular activities in the Common App and I wanna make sure I'm doing it right. How should I be filling out this section effectively to stand out? Should I prioritize depth over quantity, and how detailed should my descriptions be?

a year ago

Absolutely prioritize depth over quantity! Admissions officers are looking for involvement that shows commitment and leadership, not just a long list of activities. For your Common App, you want to focus on the few extracurriculars where you've made a significant impact or held a leadership role.

The description of each activity should be concise yet powerful, highlighting what you accomplished, any leadership roles, and the impact it had rather than just a list of duties. Use active verbs to describe your contributions and try to quantify your impact if possible, like 'Raised $5000 for charity,' which gives a sense of the scale of your achievements.

Also, remember that the order matters: list your activities by significance to you, not necessarily by the amount of time you spent on them. Highlighting a unique hobby or interest can also add to your 'spike,' helping you stand out. For example, if you started a small business or a community service initiative, that's exceptional and should be front and center. And don't worry about filling all 10 slots; it's more about quality and showing who you truly are!

a year ago

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