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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Interpreting 'Career-Oriented' options on the Common App—insights?

In the Common App, there’s this section asking about 'career-oriented' activities and programs. What exactly falls under this category? Are we talking about internships, work experience, or specific vocational classes? If any of you have filled this part out, what did you include?

a year ago

Certainly glad to assist you with this! In the Common App, 'career-oriented' activities do include internships and work experience, as well as any specialized vocational or technical classes that you've taken that are related to a potential career path.

For instance, if you completed an internship at a local hospital and you want to pursue a career in healthcare, this would be an ideal activity to list in this section. Likewise, if you've taken any CTE (Career and Technical Education) courses at your high school or at a vocational school, you'll want to include those here as well. Even participation in a career-focused club or organization can be listed under this category.

Just be sure whatever you include is tied to professional skills or career exploration. For example, if you were part of a business club and participated in competitive events, or if you worked a part-time job that helped you develop customer service skills or management experience, those are relevant as well. Remember, this section is a chance to showcase how you've begun preparing for your future career, so make it count!

a year ago

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