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Is taking an online marine biology course worth it for a high school student interested in biology?

Hey folks! I'm really interested in biology and stumbled across this online marine biology course for high school students. I'm curious if these kinds of specialized online courses add value to a college application, especially for someone leaning towards a biology major?

a year ago

Hello there! I'm thrilled to see high school students like you taking initiative in exploring their academic interests. To answer your question, yes, taking an online marine biology course can be valuable for a college application, especially if you're considering majoring in biology. It demonstrates to admissions committees your genuine interest and initiative in the field beyond the standard curriculum.

Make sure the course is from a reputable source, and aim to really engage with the material, not just passively complete it. Additionally, consider how this course complements your overall profile and other experiences in science and biology.

If you can connect this course to further independent study, a related project, or community service, it will add even greater depth to your application. Best of luck with the course, and enjoy the fascinating world of marine biology!

a year ago

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