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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Any effective strategies for acing the PSAT?

Hey friends! I'm setting my sights on a great PSAT score, but I'm a little stressed about how to get there. What strategies have you all found effective for scoring well on the PSAT? I'm all ears for study tips, resources, or any advice you might have.

a year ago

Hey there! I totally understand wanting to nail that PSAT. A solid strategy is to become familiar with the test format and question types. You can start by taking a diagnostic test to identify your strengths and areas needing improvement. The College Board website offers free practice PSAT tests, which mirror the actual test conditions. Once you know your weaker areas, focus your study time there.

It's also really beneficial to work on your time management. Each section of the PSAT has a strict time limit, and practice can help you get comfortable with the pace you need to maintain. Try out timed practice sections to build up your speed. Reading regularly and widely can help improve your comprehension and vocabulary, which is incredibly useful for the evidence-based reading and writing sections.

Lastly, I'd suggest learning the test strategies specific to PSAT, like the process of elimination for multiple-choice questions, and how to tackle dual passage reading questions. There are online resources and books that can guide you through these strategies. Remember to take care of yourself too—get enough sleep, eat well, and take breaks during your study sessions. Good luck!

a year ago

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