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What's student life like at WUSTL?

I've been thinking of applying to WUSTL, but I'm a little unsure about what life is like on campus. Can anyone share some experiences or details about student activities, campus culture, and general vibe there?

5 months ago

Student life at Washington University in St. Louis (WUSTL) is vibrant and engaging. The university emphasizes diversity, inclusion, and a strong sense of community, so you'll likely find a place where you feel comfortable and welcomed.

WUSTL is home to more than 400 student clubs and organizations, which range from academic societies and arts groups to sports clubs and philanthropy organizations. Whatever your interests, there's probably a student group that matches it! The WashU Performing Arts Department is known to be very active, producing numerous plays, musicals, and dance performances throughout the academic year.

Sports is another big part of WUSTL’s campus life. WUSTL is part of the NCAA Division III, and has a strong culture of intramural and club sports, meaning there are plenty of activities for the athletically inclined, whether you're competitive or just looking for a fun way to stay active.

In terms of cultural life, WUSTL regularly hosts a variety of events, like the annual ThurtenE Carnival, the oldest and largest student-run carnival in the nation. The St. Louis community is also a big part of the WashU vibe, and you'll find often that cultural attractions like the St. Louis Art Museum or Forest Park, right next to the campus, become extended parts of the university experience.

Academically, WashU is recognized for encouraging intellectual curiosity and the free exchange of ideas. Students often say that while the academic workload is challenging, the environment isn't overly competitive; instead, there's a culture of collaboration and exploration.

In terms of the general feel on campus, many describe it as a strong sense of community and a balance between academia and leisure, combining rigorous study with an active social calendar. The university's residential college system also adds to this sense of community, promoting close connections between students from day one.

However, the best way to ascertain what your experience may be like is to speak with current students or alumni directly, or even visit the campus if possible.

5 months ago

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