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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Best High School Classes for Future Law Students?

Okay, so I'm seriously considering a career in law and I want to know what classes I should take during the rest of my high school years to really prepare for undergrad pre-law tracks. Any suggestions on classes or extracurriculars that helped you guys decide on this field?

a year ago

Hey there! I've been through this with my child who's now in college on a pre-law track. To prepare for law, strong writing and critical thinking skills are key, so English and History are must-haves. Advanced classes in these subjects, like AP English Literature or AP U.S. History, would be especially beneficial. My kid also took AP Government and Politics, which provided a solid understanding of the U.S. legal and political system.

As for extracurriculars, they joined the debate team and Model United Nations, which honed their public speaking and argumentation skills. Additionally, consider volunteering with organizations related to social justice or interning at a local law firm. Remember, passion and commitment matter more than quantity, so dive into activities that genuinely interest you and stick with them. Good luck on your journey to a career in law!

a year ago

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