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Is maxing out the word count with all 650 words in my college essay advisable?

I hear a lot about 'less is more,' but when it comes to the college essay, I'm not sure. Is it better to use up all 650 words to fully express my story, or should I aim for brevity and stick to a shorter essay that's more to the point?

a year ago

When it comes to the college essay, it's all about telling a compelling story and showcasing your writing ability, not about hitting a specific word count. I'd suggest focusing first on the content and clarity of your story.

It's important that your essay feels complete and thoroughly conveys the message or story you're trying to tell. If you can do that in fewer words, that's perfectly fine!

However, if you need more space to develop your ideas and give depth to your narrative, don't hesitate to use the allotted word count. It is there for a reason. For example, if you're discussing a particularly significant experience or a complex aspect of your identity, using more words could be beneficial for providing necessary context and detail.

Just make sure every word counts—avoid unnecessary fluff or repetition. Aim for a balance between conciseness and thoroughness, and ask for feedback from teachers or mentors to ensure your essay is impactful and well-edited regardless of length.

a year ago

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