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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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PSAT and National Merit Scholarship Timing

Hey guys, just wondering if anybody knows exactly when one should take the PSAT if aiming for the National Merit Scholarship. Is it junior year, or should we be doing something sophomore year too?

a year ago

Hey there! Great question about the PSAT and National Merit Scholarship timing. It's wonderful that you're planning ahead for this opportunity.

The PSAT you take in your junior year is the one that's considered for National Merit Scholarships. Although you can take the PSAT as a sophomore, and I certainly encourage it for the practice, those scores won't count for the scholarship competition.

Taking it in sophomore year can give you a feel for the test format and help you identify areas where you might need to improve before the all-important junior year test. Remember that the PSAT is typically offered in mid-October, so you'll want to check with your school for the exact date and make sure you're registered in time.

Best of luck with your preparation, and don't hesitate to reach out if you have more questions as you get closer to testing!

a year ago

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