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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Optimal number of extracurriculars for the Common App?

I'm a bit concerned: trying to figure out how many extracurriculars should I list on the Common App without looking like I have no focus or, conversely, that I do absolutely nothing with my life. Any advice?

a year ago

Hey there! Understanding your concern, the sweet spot for extracurriculars on the Common App is typically around 5 to 10. What's more important than the number is the commitment and passion you've shown in these activities. Colleges really appreciate when a student demonstrates deep involvement and leadership in a few areas. If you've got a couple of extracurriculars where you’ve taken on leadership roles or achieved something significant, those are particularly golden. It's quality over quantity!

For example, if you're captain of the debate team and led them to nationals, that's going to stand out more than mentioning you casually attend a few different clubs without much engagement. And if you have a lot of activities, try to choose the ones that tell a cohesive story about who you are and what you might contribute to the college community. Aim for that optimal blend that shows your dedication and the unique value you would bring to campus.

a year ago

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