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Would taking online finance courses as a high schooler boost my college app?

Hello fellow students and admissions gurus! I'm currently a junior and seriously considering a career in finance. I found some online financial courses tailored for high schoolers. Do you think taking these would give me an edge in the admissions process, especially for business programs?

a year ago

Hello! It's wonderful to see your proactive approach towards your career in finance. Taking specialized online finance courses certainly showcases your dedication to learning more about the field. You'll gain valuable knowledge and skills that could help you in your future studies and career. Admissions committees often look positively on applicants who go beyond their high school curriculum to pursue their interests. Just make sure that these courses don't interfere with your regular school work and that you're also involved in a few other extracurricular activities related to your interests.

For instance, if you're able to help run a finance-related club at your school or partake in related competitions, that would contribute to showing a focused interest or 'spike' in finance. Remember, it's the depth of your activities and interests that truly make an impact rather than the quantity. So if finance is your passion, dive deep with these courses and look for ways to apply what you learn in real-world contexts or extracurricular involvements. Best of luck in your pursuits!

a year ago

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