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Thoughts on taking a high school geometry summer course to fast-track?

Stressed junior here! Trying to manage my future course load by possibly taking geometry over the summer. Is that a solid plan or should I take it during the school year for the GPA boost? What do colleges prefer?

a year ago

It's great that you're planning ahead for your course load—it shows initiative and good judgment. Taking geometry over the summer can certainly help you manage your regular school year schedules by freeing up space for other classes or allowing you to take more advanced math courses sooner. Colleges generally are interested in seeing students who are proactive about their studies, and efficiently planning your coursework like this demonstrates that quality.

As for preferring summer vs. school year courses, colleges will be more interested in the rigor of your courses than when you take them. If you feel confident that you can master the material in a summer course, it could be a good way to show you're proactive and committed to your academics. However, if you believe that you'll perform better by taking the class during the school year and it will boost your GPA, that's also a reasonable approach.

If you're not sure which option would be best for you, considering reaching out to your geometry teacher, as they may have experience helping other students make this decision. They can give you more personalized advice about when it would make the most sense for you personally to take this class. Good luck with your decision!

a year ago

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