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What is the grading scale for CLEP exams?

Trying to figure out how CLEP exams are graded and what's a good score? I know they're scored on a scale, but what's a passing score that colleges will actually give credit for? Would be super helpful if somebody could break down the grading scale for me!

a year ago

CLEP exams are scored on a scale from 20 to 80. While a 50 is generally considered the standard passing score, some colleges may require higher scores for credit, especially for more competitive or rigorous courses.

It's important to note that the American Council on Education (ACE) recommends colleges grant credit for scores of 50 and above, but this is merely a guideline and not a mandate. Therefore, it is crucial to check the specific CLEP credit policy of the colleges you are interested in to determine what score you will need to achieve to receive credit.

Also, different subjects might have different score requirements even within the same institution. Keep in mind that CLEP scores are not typically included in your GPA calculation; they are used solely for credit or placement purposes.

To get a better idea of what to aim for, consult the college’s website or contact their admissions office directly. They can provide you with the most accurate information regarding their CLEP credit policies and the required scores for each exam. Planning ahead can save you time and ensure you're aligning your preparation with your desired college's standards.

a year ago

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