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SAT: 720 math
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Can I take forensic classes in high school, and do they count towards college admissions?

I'm really interested in forensic science. Are there high school classes available in this subject, and will colleges view them as rigorous courses when considering my application?

a year ago

Absolutely, many high schools offer forensic science as an elective course, and it's a fascinating way to explore your interest in criminal justice and scientific investigation techniques. If your school doesn't have a dedicated forensic science class, consider related science classes like biology and chemistry, which are foundational to forensics.

Colleges do look favorably on students who pursue their interests with rigor and passion, so taking forensic courses could reflect well in your application, especially if you're considering a major in a related field. Just ensure you also have a strong base in the core science courses colleges expect, like biology, chemistry, and physics to demonstrate a well-rounded and rigorous science education.

Beyond the classroom, look for extracurriculars related to forensics, such as science clubs or participating in science fairs, to further show your dedication to this subject area.

a year ago

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