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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How do y'all stay motivated when studying for high school finals?

So I'm staring down a mountain of textbooks and review sheets for my finals, and honestly, it's a struggle to stay focused. Does anyone have tips for staying motivated and maybe even making studying a bit less of a drag? I gotta find a way to keep the energy up till I'm through with this.

a year ago

Hey there! I totally get the struggle. Here are a few things that may really help keep motivation up. First off, breaking up study time into manageable chunks can make a world of difference—sort of like mini-marathons instead of one long slog.

Also, try to mix up the study location; sometimes a change of scenery can refresh your mind. You might also find success in setting small, achievable goals, and rewarding each accomplishment with something enjoyable, whether that was a snack, short walk, or a few minutes of a favorite show.

It's all about finding that balance that keeps you moving forward without burning out. And don't forget, staying hydrated and getting enough sleep are super important—your brain works best when it's well rested and not parched. Keep at it, and those finals will be behind you before you know it! You've got this!

a year ago

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