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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does anyone know the deal with Cornell's likely letters?

Cornell's one of my top choices, and I've heard rumors of likely letters floating around. Do they actually send these, or is it just a myth? What should an applicant look like to receive one? Hoping for some positive news soon!

a year ago

Absolutely, Cornell does send out likely letters, and they are an early indication that you’re a top pick for their incoming class. These letters usually go to candidates who have particularly distinguished themselves, often through exceptional academic achievement, talent, or other notable contributions. Think high national test scores, significant awards, or unique accomplishments that align with Cornell's values and academic priorities.

If you're expecting one, they typically arrive a few weeks before official decision releases. Keep in mind, though, that not getting one doesn't mean you won't get in. In fact, most accepted students receive their admissions offers without ever getting a likely letter. So breathe easy, good luck, and here's hoping you receive some positive news from Cornell soon!

a year ago

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