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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Any Advice on Navigating High School Course Recovery?

Feeling a bit stressed here. I hit a rough patch and now have to consider course recovery to stay on track for graduation. Has anyone gone through this and does it affect college admissions? Super worried about how colleges might view this on my transcript.

a year ago

First, it's great that you're looking into course recovery options; it shows your commitment to your education. Taking steps to get back on track is always a positive move, and colleges do recognize efforts to overcome academic challenges. When you address this in your applications, you have a chance to explain any circumstances that led to the rough patch and how you've worked to improve. In fact, recovering from a setback can be a powerful part of your personal story, illustrating resilience and determination.

As for the course recovery itself, it's important to start as soon as possible. See if your school offers summer classes, night school, or online courses that align with your recovery needs. Don't hesitate to ask your school counselor for help; they can guide you through available options and what might be best for your situation. And remember, while colleges do look at your transcript, they also consider your entire application, including essays, letters of recommendation, and extracurriculars. So continue to engage in activities that reflect your interests and strengths.

It might be stressful now, but many students have successfully navigated course recovery and gone on to be admitted to great colleges. Keep a positive mindset, stay focused on your goals, and make use of the support systems around you.

a year ago

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