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Are there HBCUs that do not require SAT scores for admissions?

Hello friends, I've heard some colleges are going test-optional these days and I'm curious if this trend has caught on with HBCUs as well. Do you know of any HBCUs that have dropped the SAT requirement for admission? I really want to apply to one but standardized tests aren't my strong suit.

a year ago

Absolutely, numerous HBCUs have embraced the test-optional policy. Especially in light of recent global events, including the pandemic but also broader discussions around racial justice, many schools, including HBCUs, reevaluated the necessity of standardized test scores in admissions.

Howard University, Morehouse College, and Spelman College are a few examples of HBCUs that have test-optional admissions policies. Tuskegee University is test-optional if you have a 3.0 unweighted GPA or above. It's essential, however, to review each institution's admissions page as policies can differ and may have specific criteria or exceptions. If you're thinking of applying for any scholarships, whether through the school directly or externally, you should also check their requirements.

Given the shift to test-optional admissions, focus on showcasing your strengths in other areas of your application, such as your high school GPA, course rigor, extracurricular activities, recommendation letters, and personal essays. Since admissions officers won't be spending time evaluating your test score, more of their attention is going to go to those other elements of your application, and you still want to give them a holistic sense of who you are.

Remember to check with each HBCU you’re interested in to ensure you meet their specific requirements and deadlines. Best of luck with your applications!

a year ago

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