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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the scoop on HBCU bands and the national championships?

Hello friends! I’m super into music, particularly band, and I've seen some HBCU band performances that are just mind-blowing. I’m wondering if anyone can share more about what it’s like being in an HBCU band? How do they prepare for national championships? It looks intense and I'm kind of tempted to be a part of it. Any insights?

a year ago

Hi there! At events featuring HBCU bands, the energy can be truly electric! Being part of an HBCU band is a commitment to excellence and community. Members often dedicate a lot of time to practice, sometimes daily, to perfect their routines. Their performances are not just about music; they integrate dance, storytelling, and a rich cultural heritage.

Preparation for national championships, or any major performance, includes learning complex musical arrangements and choreography, as well as maintaining physical stamina. It's indeed intense, but students who participate often talk about it as one of the most rewarding aspects of their college experience. They gain not only musicianship but also lessons in discipline, teamwork, and pride in their school and its traditions.

If you're passionate about music and enjoy a team environment that feels more like a family, it might be a perfect fit for you. Plus, the exposure at such events can be an incredible boost, both personally and for future opportunities. Do reach out to the schools and band directors for a firsthand account; they'll give you the scoop on auditions and how to prepare!

a year ago

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