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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Process for enrolling in community college classes as a high school student?

Hey guys, I'm itching to challenge myself more academically and I've heard you can take community college classes while still in high school. Could someone walk me through how to actually get enrolled in them? Are there certain requirements or limits on how many classes I can take?

a year ago

I'm glad to hear that you're looking to expand your academic horizons! The process to enroll in community college courses as a high school student typically starts by contacting your high school counselor. They'll be able to advise you on the specific partnership arrangements your school may have with local community colleges.

It's also a good idea to reach out to the admissions office of the community college you're interested in attending. They usually have specific advisors for high school students who can guide you through the application process, including any forms you might need from your high school.

As for requirements, you'll likely need to provide a high school transcript and might have to meet certain GPA or placement test requirements. There's usually a limit to how many classes you can take, often depending on factors like your age, grade level, and how the course fits around your high school schedule.

Keep in mind, these classes can count towards both high school and college credit, so make sure you’re planning accordingly. Don't hesitate to ask questions along the way; this is a fantastic opportunity to get a head start on your college education!

a year ago

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